Welcome to the Teach A Child To Sew Program!
Do you know a child who may be bored and eager for extracurricular activities? The gals and guy at Ragtime Fabrics put together a collection of You Tube videos from Baby Lock, Missouri Star Quilt, Man Sewing and other sewing enthusiasts that will guide an adult in teaching a child to sew (perhaps you may learn as well).
Learning to sew will:
Teach a valuable life skill
Improve eye-hand coordination
Foster practical math skills
Allow the child to explore and express his/her creativity
Raise self-esteem and sense of accomplishment
In our Ragtime classroom, we use the Baby Lock Jubilant sewing machine. The Jubilant is an entry level electronic machine with a speed control and large variety of utility and decorative stitches. The first section of videos are INSTRUCTIONAL on the use of the Baby Lock Jubilant. Other brands of sewing machines may have “How To” videos on You Tube as well.
The second section includes videos of children making a variety of PROJECTS from pillowcases to book covers. We have compiled a list of accessories needed for each sewing project. Click on the thumbnail to receive more information. We also would like to emphasize a few tips and cautions needed while teaching a child to sew. A sewing machine is not a toy and many of the notions used in sewing must be handled with care.
We are eager to have our classroom full of activity, sometime soon. We are closer to that day than we were this past Spring. In the meantime, please enjoy learning the art of sewing through our Teach A Child To Sew program. As always, if you have any questions, please call us 540-434-5663 or send us an email ragtimefabrics@gmail.com.
Tips and Cautions:
Be realistic about time, as the child’s attention span may be short.
Do not allow a child to use a rotary cutter.
Closely supervise a child using scissors.
Emphasize caution while teaching a child to iron.
Before starting a project, allow the child to “sew” on paper, following dark lines. Jenny Doan of Missouri Star Quilt company begins each of her videos demonstrating how to do this.
Never sew over pins!
We have put together kits of basic sewing notions as well as kits of the required fabric and trims for some of the projects. The child may also shop for his/her own supplies. Thread is not included in the kits.
Recommended additional resources:
“I Sew for Fun” by Nancy Zieman
“The Best of Sewing Machine Fun for Kids” by Lynda Milligan and Nancy Smith.